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Camera and Object Positions to After Effects 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Camera and Null Export to After Effects

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Last Modified:03/18/2019
File Size: 19.9 KB

Feature Request

How about camera with SHAKE enabled

Submitted by:domib domib
Hi RobC, Congratulations for your Script, I really appreciate it and it helps winning a lot of time. Thanks very much for its simplicity, it's a real help in :) I just want to ask a question here perhaps could you help me: I was today exporting 34 cameras of my project to import in AE6 when I realized that some of my cameras in my project have an expression in the shake (horizontal and vertical). But I sadly discovered that when I export my camera the shake feature is lost. I wonder how to manage keeping it in AE6. First idea: can AE6 understand it ? Second idea: how could I find a way to keep this feature because I don't want to have to reanimate all my shakes of cameras, it's such a shame... Thanks for helping if you can :)

Comments on this feature request:

  • RobC

    RobC said over 10 years ago:

    Hello domib, Unfortunately, the shape node "shake" attribute in Maya's camera is not supported by After Effects. It is the same as Film Offset in Maya and moving the rendered image in x and y in After Effects. However it would be possible to export the x and y offsets into After Effects that would then add or subtract them from the null positions in After Effects. (With a little expression in After Effects) There is a thread describing how it is done using another application. When this came up in production, it was only one camera and we spread the word to animate shake using the transform node of the camera not the film offset or shake attribute of the shape node. I could be convinced to work up some automation for this process, but the time involved makes it something that I can not distribute for free and I would need to work with you on. Rob C
  • domib

    domib said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks very much for your quick help, Rob C. This confirms that I should rather have animated my shaking cameras using the transform nodes instead of the "shake" attribute of cameras which is a 2D film offset feature. This is perhaps what I'm going to do, and I will render again all the images of these cameras. Hope I have enough time before the deadline. The thread link you gave is very useful too, thanks again. I should have to study about it and test it with Maya. But for my present project I would have to be sure it works perfectly and this takes time. I'm not going to import the sequences in AE6 myself, so I need to be sure about what I give to that person who will do it so he can work on the Maya exports and renderings without any surprise. Thanks very much Sorry for my language I hope you understand my english which is not perfect :) Domi B
  • domib

    domib said over 10 years ago:

    For information, for each camera, I managed creating a new camera names cameraX_SHAKED with expressions to be as near as possible from the last camera, including the focal length. In the expression I have something like this : camera5_SHAKED.translateX = camera5.translateX ; camera5_SHAKED.translateY = camera5.translateY ; camera5_SHAKED.translateZ = camera5.translateZ ; camera5_SHAKED.rotateX = 40*cameraShape5.verticalShake + camera5.rotateX ; camera5_SHAKED.rotateY = -40*cameraShape5.horizontalShake + camera5.rotateY ; camera5_SHAKED.rotateZ = camera5.rotateZ ; camera5_SHAKEDShape.focalLength=cameraShape5.focalLength; The old cameras had a fractal noise affected in their shake nodes. My scenes are figuring planes flying within a very big spherical environment sky and a ground. The animations are not exactly identical of course because creating an 3d offsets in ROTATIONS instead of 2D offsets in TRANSLATIONS, but very close to what I had already done. Of courses it depends on scales and focal length. Domi B

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