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Camera Controller / Shaker Maker 0.2.5 for Maya (maya script)

Adds a procedural Camera Shake rig/system to an existing camera.

Button download


  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/09/2012
File Size: 55.8 KB


Layout, animation


Can't see any file to download

Submitted by: prashant meesam prashant meesam
I want to download this script but it just opens a text window i have no idea how to install and use it please help me.
Thank you.

Replies to this question:

  • ArfangS

    ArfangS said over 5 years ago:

    Adding this here since I ran into the same issue, hope it helps anyone in the future.
    So you need to go to your Maya directory, usually something like "C:\Users\Documents\maya\2018\scripts".
    In the script folder you will create a simple document text and you will paste the entire message you will see when clicking
    download, starting from "def rsCameraUIBuild(): " to the end.
    Save the file.
    You will rename this file to "", this will change the extension from .doc to .py making it a python script readable file.
    (if you are on mac, you will need to go to your computer options and unhide file extensions before as they are hidden so you would just rename it ".py.doc" which would be useless)
    Open maya then go to your script editor. Select python, then paste :
    import rsCameraUI

    and click play

    It should now work :)
    Save your expression to a shelf by highlighting it and middle button dragging it into a shelf!

    have a good day!

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