Look for the Help in the script to get a lot more info about it.
To execute, place the script (the .py file) in your scripts folder and type this in your Script Editor, Python tab:
import cgx_wornEdges;
cgx_wornEdgesVar = cgx_wornEdges.CGX_WornEdgesUI();
Script based upon Neil Blevins' (https://www.neilblevins.com): Worn Edges Using A Distorted Vertex Map and his DVD for The Gnomon Workshop.
Feel free to visit my blog for more scripts or other 3D related stuff www.chrisgranados.com/wp
Use case:
This script was used by my fellow artist Adriana Nieto as a base layer to paint the Worn Edges for the soldiers in this TVC (where I worked as Lead CG artist):
Chris Granados- Xian
Ver 2.0
UPDATE(18-12-2010): I got more feedback than I expected and worked on the script (I didn't expect any feedback to be honest, haha). There are a couple to do's pending.
Ver 2.1
UPDATE(19-12-2010): Added a new option that creates a Maya Set containing the vertices used by the script. This will allow you to do things like growing or shrinking the resulting vertex map using Maya's vertex painting and selection tools. Also, cleaned up the code a little bit.
UPDATE(20-12-2010): Uploaded the wrong version yesterday, sorry for that.
Ver 2.2
UPDATE(19-01-2011): Fixed a bug that connected the vtxMap to an empty colorSet. Thanks Vic Fina!!
Ver 2.3
UPDATE(21-10-2012): Optimized a few lines to make the script faster.
Ver 2.5
UPDATE(05-11-2012): More code optimizations to make the script faster. New UI creation code added. Changed the way the UI is created so please use the new code (see above). Videotutorial added too at https://vimeo.com/xiancg/cgxwornedges
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