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China Marker 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Sketch in Maya camera view on mulitiple frames

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/22/2006
File Size: 180 KB
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  • Juan Carlos  Valdez

    Juan Carlos Valdez said about 15 years ago:

    This is great! Just what I needed. Is there a Maya 2010 version?
  • Quasi

    Quasi said about 18 years ago:

    use this wonderful tool to sketch out an action or pose. if you go blank on where to go with your anim at a point in your shot,key vis off on your rig and let the china marker sketches take over.... so you can see how the anim flows befor you commit to posing it all out. A+++++ anim tool
  • Firas Ershead

    Firas Ershead said about 18 years ago:

    its nice work.. and It would be very usefull to add Pencil Thinkness option .. ( this can be done by extrud a circle on the drawing curves, and also connecting the visiblity of those extruded objects with the curves visibility attr)

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