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colorKey 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

color keyframe's ticks in the timeline

Button download


  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/05/2015
File Size: 6.86 KB
The script allows you to color the keyframe's ticks in the timeline. It can be used to easily identify the type of keys you are working with, for example you can set all your gold key poses to be one color, your breakdown keys to another, your holds to another... or you could also use it to make all your charcter's spine keys yellow, the left arm keys red, right arm keys blue...

Installation :
Extract the file.
copy the file in your maya scripts directory
copy the colorKey.bmp icon file in your icon directory (...\maya\<maya version>\prefs\icons)

open Maya, open the script editor and in a python tab (right click -> new tab -> python), paste those two lines :

import colorKey as cK

select both lines and middle mouse click and drag them to your shelf.
Assign the icon to the script via the shelf editor

Go to for further information, documentation and how to set hotkeys.

The script overview video was made with v1.1 of the script.

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  • himanshu sharma
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  • Marijan Schedler
    Marijan Schedler
  • hansyan9999
  • mgrawert
  • CAOS
  • ilho bak
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  • José Diaz
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