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Curves Extruder 2.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

allows you to extrude curves along multiple curves

Button download


  • 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/10/2011
File Size: 9.12 KB
Use this script to extrude curves along multiple curves

by default it uses circles to extrude, you have the power to change the curve type (linear or cubic), the curve sections, the curve radius and the extrusion scale(Taper)

you can also use custom curves ( select your custom made curve and click on the select user curve button)

and finally select the curves you want to extrude along and click the extrude button
hopefully this will proove helpful to you, enjoy :)

ver 1.1.0

added random radius

ver 2.0
added random sections and random tapers also Some ui fixes
random sections are better used with linear curves to get different shapes (triangles, rectangles, pentagons,...) on different curves.
enjoy :)

ver 2.0.1
added 3 digits precision

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