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Deforming control creator 1.5.0 for Maya (maya script)

Quickly create deformable controls

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

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Last Modified:12/12/2014
File Size: 45.4 KB




didn´t work for me

Submitted byelbiancho elbiancho
the curve control dissapeared and the new control has no connection with the mesh

Comments on this bug:

  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said over 10 years ago:

    Hey ElBiancho, Does the script editor return any errors? If not, is it possible for me to get your file to check out whats going on? Thanks!
  • elbiancho

    elbiancho said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks in advance Raveen!
  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said over 10 years ago:

    Hmmm... That's strange. It's been working in my tests. I'll look into this further ASAP.
  • stickybullseye

    stickybullseye said over 10 years ago:

    Similar behavior for me in Maya 2015. The original control curve is deleted and the new (working) control is an offset duplicate of the entire mesh, not just the selected faces.
  • Joe Daniels

    Joe Daniels said about 10 years ago:

    One thing I've noticed is that if the control has more than one shape node under the transform, it gives this error: # Error: AttributeError: nt.NurbsCurve(u'Base_CTRLShape') has no attribute or method named 'inMesh' If I delete all the shape nodes except the first one, the script runs fine in most cases. I have found a couple cases where it gives me this error even when there is a single shape node, and I'm not sure why. Any ideas? If you try to run the script with my jdFloursack rig, you'll get the error described above.
  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said about 10 years ago:

    Hey everyone, Sorry about the delay, work has been busy. But I am working on the fixes as well as adding in a couple of other features. Thanks for the feedback, I'll try and get an update out soon addressing some of the issues raised. @Joe: Ahh...I am pretty sure I didn't do a check for multiple shape nodes (sorry, wrote it really quick :p). I'll fix that in the next update as well. Thank you for the link to the character, it'll help me troubleshoot a lot easier! Cheers, Ray
  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said about 10 years ago:

    Hello everyone, I've updated the tool to fix some of the issues brought up. Let me know if it's all working fine and dandy! Cheers, Ray
  • elbiancho

    elbiancho said about 10 years ago:

    Hi Ray, I've followed the instructions in the When I execute the pyton command I get this: # Error: line 1: unexpected indent # Any sugestions? Thanks
  • ekenryd

    ekenryd said about 10 years ago:

    Hello, downloaded this script today. I created a sphere and a nurbs circle, deleted history, selected some faces and filled in the slots in your script menu. When I click setup, the nurbs circle is replaced by a new mesh consisting of the selected faces. Am I doing something wrong?
  • elbiancho

    elbiancho said about 10 years ago:

    It loads if I put the folder in other scripts folder, not the one that shows the command "internalVar -usd;" (weird). The deformer mesh is created, but it doesn´t move or deform (neither selecting it from the control curve, nor it´s shape)
  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said about 10 years ago:

    @ekenryd: Hello! This tool is really meant to work on a current setup you have for a rig, so for example, if you have a control hooked up to a deformer, which is deforming the mesh, it's just changing the shape node of that controller. It's not meant to set up the deformations for you. @elbiancho: Hi! Hmm...That's odd, by default the scripts folder should be "C:\Users\$USERNAME$\Documents\maya\$MAYA_VERSION$\scripts". As for the problem with the mesh not deforming, did you have a setup that's doing the deformation? If not, I've explained above that this doesn't actually make the deformation setup, but create a deformable control from a current setup. I hope that makes sense, if it doesn't please let me know.
  • elbiancho

    elbiancho said about 10 years ago:

    NOW I get it! hahaha Thanks Raj
  • tristratos

    tristratos said about 10 years ago:

    Dear Raveen, I tried using your script with the following free rig and it doesn't seem to work either using a face control or a body one. It simply hides the control providing no polygon control out of the selected faces to be used instead. Why does it fail to provide a working control ? To be more specific, having it loaded, and do the following: - load mesh: model:skinBrown_C_body_GES - load control: FKElbow_R - and the according faces in the shoulder area, - click on setup it just prompts the following: None FKElbow_R and creates no geo for me to uze in the pace of the hidden control. Same happens if I select an onFace control. Is there any way of extending your script so that it becomes a universal one ?
  • Joe Daniels

    Joe Daniels said almost 10 years ago:

    Raveen, It is now working on the rigs I've tried it with. Issues with multiple shape nodes, as well as other errors have been resolved in my cases. Thank you!
  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said almost 10 years ago:

    @ Tristratos: Well, I've figured out what's wrong with that, The next update will fix it. The script technically is universal, though, I didn't account for the different ways people rig, I'm so used to how I rig in production that I've built the tool to more or less fit that structure (which isn't exactly overly complex to begin with, but it's quite strict in how you build your rigs.). I thank everyone for sending me bug reports, each iteration will help me make it fit the different sorts of methods people use. Right now I'm out of town for work till the end of February, so I probably wont get around to updating this till then. Cheers, Ray @Joe Awesome! Thank you for letting me know. Glad it's all working out now! :D
  • favilagghh

    favilagghh said about 9 years ago:

    @elbiancho how do you fix it? i have the same problem When I execute the pyton command I get this: # Error: line 1: unexpected indent # thanks
  • favilagghh

    favilagghh said about 9 years ago:

    i use mac, i dont know if this is important :l

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