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EasyMatteID 10.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

Simplifies the use of matteID with renderman 22 on maya (set colors manually or automatically, display etc)

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  • 2019, 2018

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/11/2019
File Size: 17.1 KB


MatteID assignment

Submitted by: 9to3Animation 9to3Animation
Thanks for the script. My french isn't that good so I didn't understand you explination. So I guessed what the script could do. I am missing an auto assign matteID to all objects button. I have to assign the matteID attribute manualy. and I am missing an random color assign option I have only 7 different color instead of millions. Would it be possible to add those features? That was the reason why i bought the script.

Replies to this question:

  • yann orhon

    yann orhon said almost 6 years ago:

    Hi ! 
    Thanks for your interest to my script !
    At first, i will record a new tutorial in english as soon as possible, or maybe just adding subtitles.
    These colors are used for the simplicity of selection with RGB channels into Nuke or Photoshop for exemple. But I understand your question. Do you know Cryptomatte, included in Renderman ? This is a way to have billions colors, but it doesn't work through refraction (that's a reason why i did EasyMatteID).
    Anyway, I will find a solution to add as many colors as you want, as soon as possible (probably one or two weeks).
    Please, do not forget to rate this product.
    Have a good day !
  • Replyindent
    yann orhon

    yann orhon said almost 6 years ago:

    Hi !
    I'm currently working on adding the features you're asking for. I hope to finish within ten days.
    Have a good day !
  • Replyindent

    9to3Animation said almost 6 years ago:

    Subs will be enough for now I think. I know about cryptomatte and it works great with nuke. But I use the MattID within Maya and I use a lot of elements that need a MatteID and selecting them in the outliner is a annoying becouse you always forget one.
    For the colors I add a PxrVary node that works ok. What I am missing the most in your script is assinging a matte ID to an object.
    If it has the assign MattID object It will be very usefull and it would desevers a high rating. 
  • yann orhon

    yann orhon said almost 6 years ago:

    Hi !
    I found some solutions, and I will add this functions soon :
        - A button to add MatteIDs on objects easily.
        - A function to add as many colors as you want. Possibility to have one color per object, with only one button.
        - A seed to change colors, when 'random colors' is enabled.
    I hope that was what you expected.
  • yann orhon

    yann orhon said almost 6 years ago:

    The new EasyMatteID is done ! I hope that was what you expected.
    edit : there is a new tutorial in english, just for you :)
  • 9to3Animation

    9to3Animation said almost 6 years ago:

    Great work! As an appreciation of your work I didn't download the update but bought the script again.
    Thanks for the english video. It really helped.
    After a few tests I have two remarks and one feature request.
    - The matteID doesn't show up in the userAttributes. Just in the extra Attributes. (maya 2018- rm22.3)
    - Could you keep the selection after assinging/changing the colors. This makes it easier to try out different colors.
    Feature request
    - Could you make a shades of gray color option?
    Thanks again.
  • Replyindent
    yann orhon

    yann orhon said almost 6 years ago:

    Hi !
    That was awesome ! I'm really happy to deal with you, your feedbacks are constructives, and help me alot to improve the script. Thank you very much. 
    - Yes, I don't really know why I can't put MatteIDs in UserAttr. I hope I'll find a solution. Is it a problem in your workflow ?
    - Ok ! i'll add a checkbox to have the choice, keep selected / deselect.
    - Ok again ! I'll add gray color option.
    Thank you !
    PS : I am really prood to work with you, I love your work since a long time ! :)
  • yann orhon

    yann orhon said over 5 years ago:

    hi !
    shades of grey added, and button to keep/not keep selection.
    Hope you will enjoy ! 
  • yann orhon

    yann orhon said over 5 years ago:

    Hi !
    everything is working properly?

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