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ezRoundCornerOfLinearCurve 0.9.0 for Maya (maya script)

Round corner of linear curve.

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013


Last Modified:09/05/2016
File Size: 3.54 KB



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  • Andreaa

    Andreaa said almost 2 years ago:

    Make that the file's meta data inputs are imported correctly in Maya retro bowl by using USD View to confirm that the native VP2 render delegate of Maya can support the materials of the file. Convert to the original materials used during import to typically get outcomes that are similar to an original file.
  • Eugenealazar418

    Eugenealazar418 said almost 2 years ago:

    I recently had to convert some tga to png and found it really helpful to use an online converter. It was quick and easy to use, and the resulting PNG files looked great!
  • hazem_zoom

    hazem_zoom said about 6 years ago:

    Excellent ! , but it works for linear EP curves only (didn't work with CV curves or Bezier)
  • onionhead_o

    onionhead_o said almost 8 years ago:

    works as intended. adjustable in realtime. very stable script

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