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Fake Image Based Lighting (IBL) 1.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

This script can be used for fake image based lighting (IBL) without any flickers

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  • 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:01/03/2011
File Size: 34.5 KB

Feature Request

Maya 2014 version?

Submitted by:Arturo Arturo
Hello First of all thanks! I've been using this script soooo many times, It saved me a lot of render times and in some cases obtaining almost the same result I had with much more heavy render settings. Unfortunately I've been experiencing some problems with the spot light shadows when using this script in maya 2014 Do you think you could do an update for this? Thank you! Cheers Arturo

Comments on this feature request:

  • sasanraf

    sasanraf said about 10 years ago:

    Dear Arturo, Hello, Thank you for your message. I'm glad that the script was useful for you. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to update the script. Please make sure that you have checked all the shadow settings on the lights and also the render settings. Regards, Sasan

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