In some cases you want an object or rig-control to perfectly stick to the vertices of a surface.
This script will do it.
- You can use any type of poly component to setup follicels.
How to use:
1) Load your geometry into the object-field.
2) Select the components and load them into the component field.
You can add or delete specifc components from the field.
3) When both geometry and components are loaded, the "create-button" will turn green.
Now you can create the follicels.
1. The UI gives you the oportunity to add and/or delete components to/from your array.
Just in case you added a few components you actually didn't need and don't want to go through the whole process of selecting them again.
2. The "select"-button gives you the opportunity to select the components in the array.
1. Create a decent UV layout!!!
2. ...and don't thouch it ever again!!!
or your follicle position is messed up...
have fun
- NEW FEATURE: multicomponent ability added
- fixed: Add Button (Component): Components can be loaded multipe times
- fixed: Load Button (Object): any object can be loaded
- fixed: warning message when loading component to object field
- fixed: If clicking "Select" while no vtx in the list is selected, all vertices from the list will be selected.
- cleanup UI
- Fixed: Wrong Window Titel
- Added Feature to add Child Locators
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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