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Graph Editor Redux, Digital Pose Test, MayaStylin' 3.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

cgJedi Animation Suite

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Last Modified:08/27/2017
File Size: 11.9 MB


How to install

Submitted by: pacmaniac pacmaniac
Tell me please where should i place "" and where should i place contents of "plug-ins" folder?

Replies to this question:

  • rbublitz

    rbublitz said about 13 years ago:

    Hopefully you found the pdf included which explains it. Basically put the whole GER/ folder wherever you want. Make sure you have the right folder for the version of Maya you are using since the python files are different between versions. In the plugin manager load and as long as you've kept everything together in the GER/ directory, the app should find all the paths and files it needs.
  • pacmaniac

    pacmaniac said about 13 years ago:

    Ok i put GER folder in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2011\bin\plug-ins directory Then i navigated and loaded “” from plug-in manager Then run a command "import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.GER(l=True)" from python tab. New graph editor loaded. But there are no icons displayed. Only empty space for icons... Why can it be?
  • rbublitz

    rbublitz said about 13 years ago:

    A couple of things. I see you are using Maya2011. Are you sure you are using the right GER folder for Maya2011? Please do not modify your Maya installation folder ie. don’t put things in the Autodesk/Maya/bin directory. You should have a user area for this. There are no errors messages? Do you have PyQt installed?
  • pixeltrix

    pixeltrix said about 13 years ago:

    I am also getting this. You say don't put it in the autodesk/Maya2011/bin/plug-ins folder but there is not a plug-ins folder in the user area. I put it the 2008 version in the same directory but for Maya 2009 and that worked fine. It seems like it is a problem with PyQT. In my Python>Lib>site-packages folder I don't have PyQT I only have pymel. I have searched the internet for PyQT4 but can't work out how to install it. I downloaded something that doesn't seem to have an install, it is probably the source version. Does anyone know any guides to install this? I'm using Windows vista 64 bit by the way. Thanks! By the way from what I've seen in the maya 2009, it looks like a great tool, I cant wait to get it working in 2011 so I can have a go with the DPT!
  • Replyindent

    rbublitz said about 13 years ago:

    Hopefully you've seen the note that I've added a guide on where to get and how to install PyQt4.

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