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Rob's Muncher Tool 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

This tool allows you to cut out shapes in a mesh with another mesh object (like a cookie cutter)

Button download


  • 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:
File Size: 3.27 KB


modeling, maya, Booleans

This tool is a work in progress for a colligue of mine. He asked for a tool that would allow quick cutting of geometry with another geo object. To use the tool, first select the geo you want to be cut (the dough), and then load it in the window. then select your cutter geo (the cookie cutter), and intersect it where you want your slice to go.
You have the option of keeping both pieces, just the cutout, or the remainder. 
the Triangulate check box will triangulate the cutout piece for you every time you use the operation, and the Plane check box is for when slicing things with a plane or flat object. 
after the first time clicking the "Cut" button, you can reposition the cutter geo and hit the "g" key to repeat it without dropping the manipulator or moving your mouse to the tool window. 
The current version is best used in Maya 2017 or erlier. If you have encounter any bugs or errors, please feel free to email me through my personal website or this website.

Thank you!

-Rob Webb

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