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Scene Tools 2.4.1 for Maya (maya script)

Modeless Maya File Browser and custom Open Scene Dialog with scene thumbnails and note display. Tools for dealing with playblasts, references and more...

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Last Modified:09/05/2017
File Size: 684 KB

Feature Request

Dialog boxes are Show When opening Maya File

Submitted by:rifaulmen rifaulmen
So, I open Maya File. I do absolutely nothing in the scene, no changes just open Maya and then open a file. Then I get a dialog box asking me....WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAVE YOUR CHANGES? (and Maya knows i've made no changes, I know this because it knows when to tell me there are no changes to save).

Comments on this feature request:

  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said almost 10 years ago:

    Look for an asterisk next to the file name in the Maya window title bar. If there is one you have modified the scene and that is why Maya asks you to save the current scene. Just orbiting a camera is considered to modify the scene (you change its transform attributes). It is a Maya thing not the script. You can check this by opening a scene and then immediately make a new scene. Then open the scene again and orbit the perspective camera and then make a new scene, Maya asks you to save the scene.

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