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GI_Joe 2.1 for Maya (maya script)

GI_Joe 2.1: The Swiss knife of GI in Maya -...

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Last Modified:08/27/2009
File Size: 130 KB
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  • trabi0

    trabi0 said over 13 years ago:

    excellent, works with Maya 2012 64bit , no problems. ( make sure to open the gi_joe.mel script and change the directory of the gi_joe.lights file ) the GI_JOE.mel and GIJOe.lights goes to C:\Users\USername\Documents\maya\version##-x64\scripts the icon goes to C:\Users\users\Documents\maya\2012-x64\prefs\icons then just source the script with the script editor and type " GI_Joe; " to start the script. or copy that command to the shelf ( with middle mouse ) and replace the icon with the GI Joe icon.
  • sachin parikh

    sachin parikh said over 14 years ago:

    I got the idea and it works open maya-2008/new scene/run script GI_Joe 2.1/sky light_64+ground light-_64/go create/save the file with some name/open maya-2009/open same file/run GI_Joe script/ it will work all satting like in maya 2008 u can change color,intensity,shadow . If u have any problem mail me at
  • kemo can

    kemo can said almost 15 years ago:

    I am using 2011, can someone tell me where to put 3 the files? I am new to maya
  • rajesh21083

    rajesh21083 said almost 15 years ago:

    its not working on maya 2009 2010 pls help i need for maya 2009 2010
  • achilles2004

    achilles2004 said over 17 years ago:

    I really love the dome lighting resusts. the problem Im having setting up the shelf. I seem to have this problem regularly. each time i want to use GI Joe i have to delete shelf and import it again. Ive put all mels in appropiate directories but i dont get an Icon on shellf and once i close it thats it. I have to start alkl over again. can someone tell me what Im doing wrong. Im running maya8 for a TV network. I love the results though. cc
  • adriand

    adriand said over 18 years ago:

    i think the control window would do better as attributes in some custom node (like a light/shader/camera/etc). that way, a dome setup can still be controlled if a project is moved to another computer, and more than one dome can be created within a scene (just delete the root node instead of clicking "delete GI_Joe") otherwise, awesome script!
  • Kurt

    Kurt said over 18 years ago:

    I've finally workd it out and got the script working. USER ERROR! The script is fantastic and easy to use, ven by a retard like me. ;-)
  • ThePredator42

    ThePredator42 said almost 19 years ago:

    I fully recommend this. 10 Stars out of 5.
  • xuewm7346

    xuewm7346 said almost 19 years ago:

    It's very nice ,thanks for lot

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