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Goblin animation import/export 6.3.6 for Maya (maya script)

handle animLayers and constrained objects

Button download


  • 2016, 2015, 2014

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/27/2016
File Size: 200 KB


animation, animLayer

Goblin was created for animation managing.
Because most people dont like version with browser, i create three different gui. They are accessible from Option menu.
- StandartGui is very easy to use. Standart file browser.
- SimpleGui contains fileBrowser. Has only access to "default" layer. Handy if you work with same animation file.
- AdvanceGui has it all.

Goblin script can handle simple animations, constrained objects and animLayers. Animations clips and animations under character sets are not implemented.

Goblin remember namespaces and hierarchy. If no relevant match between possibilities is found, Goblin ask for choise between namespaces.

Input for Export is list of nodes. Goblin searchs for animated attributes. You can filter predefined attributes (under FilterExport), every other animated attribute will be exported.

Preferences file is stored under maya pref folder.

Enjoy and any feedback appreciated!
Stepan K.


New animation file can be created:
    * Input name in the field above "list of animation" and click on Export button
    * If no file is active - click on Export button, Goblin ask for new fileName

Methods - Rig / Selection (+Children):
    1. Rig            -  Goblin get list of objects for Export/Import from "" according to selected layer
    2. Selection    -  Goblin get list of objects for Export/Import from selection   
    3. Children     -  Goblin get list of objects for Export/Import from selection and their hierarchical children
FilterExport menu:
    Any animation on attribute which is not mention here will be always exported

Relevant only for AdvanceGui:
Goblin remember up to 16 last projects:
    1. Right click on project field
    2. Enable "Show Recent Directories optionMenu" under Option 

File "" contains some settings, which can be modified and procedure which search for complex setup on rig. Solution depends on specific rig. By default procedure returns empty array.

Animations are stored by default in *.anm file (extention can be modified in "").
Each file contains various so called goblinlayers. Default are "body, facial, plus". They can represent parts of the rig. Each goblinlayer is independent on other and there can be added any number of them through UI. Rightclick on list of goblinLayers.

Project represent folder, which contains animation files. In "" can be defined any subdirectory for project containing animations. If this subdirectory exists under project, it will have priority.
At the startup is loaded current project (if not turned off under Option).

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