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HUD Sliders Manager 1.0.4 for Maya (maya script)

adds HUD sliders to control a node's channels

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  • 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/26/2008
File Size: 13.2 KB
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  • starbucks

    starbucks said over 14 years ago:

    What would really be AWESOME would be to be able to create slider presets, containing channel name and range so that for instance when you create a bevel you can map that preset to a shelf or shortcup to have the offset right away from 0 to 5 and not loose time going in the attributes window... In any case great job!!
  • oglop

    oglop said about 17 years ago:

    cool, mine has no complete ui like urs, but i let the user highlight the attrs he wants to add in channelbox, and select a menu ( i add a menu on top of channelbox)
  • bradon

    bradon said about 17 years ago:

    this is a good idea i can see how this could save some time and make animating faster. I have a few suggetions on how to make this even better. Is there is a way to add the ability to enter a numerical value next to the slider, because I often find it hard to be very precise with the sliders. Actually it might be nice just to have a kind of HUD channel box or the option to choose slider or numerical box. would save some screen real estate if it was only a number box. I wonder if there is a way to toggle all the HUD on and off quickly? good luck and nice script.
  • Iosif Kefalas

    Iosif Kefalas said about 17 years ago:

    Thanks for implementing the save for scene function. One suggestion though.. When saved scene is reopened the HUDs doesn't appear until you resource the script and hit restore saved sliders. This not so much of a pain but it would be better if you could implement an auto restore function when the scene is reopened. I tried to do that by creating a script node containing this command: source "skHUDsliders.mel"; skRestoreSavedSliders; editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu; maybe in your next version you could make a script node like this created each time you hit the "save store current sliders" option. Thanks

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