Sometimes batch render does not work but render view window renders perfectly. But what if we have a lot of frames.
This script renders image sequences through render window.
Version 0.2 - frame padding bug fixed.
Version 0.4. - Render Image Overwrite Option and Image Resolution Option are added
Version 0.8 - Added new options custom resolution option and fixed some bugs.
Version 1.1 - Maya 2011 support
Download version 1.1 form here :
Version 2.0 - Totally redesigned UI. This version is written in python. This means the code was written from scratch . Now it supports *exr, *hdr, all types of cameras and renderlayers/passes.
With v2.0 you can:
1.Create, connect, delete and disconnect renderpasses within the script's UI.
2. Multiple camera rendering.
3.Set frame range per renderlayer.
4.Setup multiple renderlayers per camera.
5.Setup renderpasses per renderlayer.
Suported render engines: mayaSofware, mentalRay.
In the next releases I will add Arnold and V-Ray support.
Version 2.0.1 - Fixed various bugs
Version 2.0.3 - Fixed frame padding and reset all settings bugs
Version 2.0.4 - You don't need to restart script to render dafault render layer anymore. Fixed various bugs.
Version 2.0.5 - Fixed custom image size bug.(if any problem with pixel/device aspect ratio set it manually via Render Settings)
Version 2.0.6 - Sometimes destination folder appeares empty. Now this bug is fixed(Thanks to donjheimer)
Known bugs:
1.Cancel Render function does not work on Mac OS X(Tested on Maverics).
If you have enjoyed this Tool and you find it useful, please make a donation:

Windows OS problem : If you have a problem with "freezing" in frame 1, then try to uninstall virtual Floppy Disk Drive from your Windows System. This should help.
How to run : Copy paste the script in to scriptEditors python tab and run it or select the script in script editor and with MMB drag it to shelf.
How to use:
Video tutorial( sorry for my bad english :D ) :
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