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Joint on Curve Tool 1.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Sets up evenly spaced joints, with controls, along a curve.

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/09/2014
File Size: 55.8 KB

I created this tool to expedite the facial rigging process. There are numerous applications for this, however I primarily use it for faces.

The tool places evenly spaced joints along the selected curve. Each joint gets its own control. You may choose to add bind joints to control a broad range of control joints.


Easy to understand user interfaces. Includes:


Name:                  =>  The naming convention of the generated nodes.

Bind:                    =>  Number of bind joints created to influence selected curve.
Size:                    =>  Adjust the overall size of the controls.

Ctrl:                     =>  Number of individual control joints.

Bind to Curve:       =>  If selected, the curve will be bound to user defined number of joints.

Attach to Curve:     =>  If selected, control joints will follow the curve.

Mirror:                  =>  If selected, half the joints will be prefixed with 'l_' and half with 'r_'. If there is an odd number,

                                 then the middle will be labeled 'c_'.

Shape:                 =>  Choose from four types of shapes for the controls.
Axis:                    =>  The axis that the control is created upon.



Have fun, and enjoy!

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