Please, let me know if you encounter any problems with the script on your Maya version or if it's working like it should.
Create and modify timing of your animation by nudging keys. Add and remove inbetweens quickly and precisly.
Insert keys on the curves or channels you want. Easily copy, cut and paste keys from one place to another and
more handy tools making life of an animator easier.
KeyFriend - Animation Panel was made to make animation in Maya more intuitive and to allow even beginners
to directly start animating.
Version Info:
Keyfriend was tested on Maya 2012.
If you give it a try on an older version please feel free to drop me a line and give me your feedback.
01. Key Selected Channels:
On objects selected in Maya's Graph Editor this feature creates keys on the object's channels selected in the channel box.
Works like Maya's built-in 'Key Selected' feature with the possibility to deselect objects within the Graph Editor on which
you don't want to apply the function.
Futhermore, you can define a time range in the in timeslider bar in order to create keys on several frames.
02. Key Selected Curves:
Inserts keys to the active curves in the Graph Editor without changing the curve's shape.
You can define a time range in the in timeslider bar in order to insert keys on several frames (bake curves).
03. Nudge Keys:
Moves selected keys by steps of 1 or 10 frames.
04. Nudge Replace Keys:
Moves selected keys by steps of 1 or 10 frames by replacing existing keys.
This avoids the risk of creation of unsnapped keys.
05. Remove and Add Inbetween:
Removes or Adds Inbetweens like Maya's built-in function does with the possibility to add or remove 1 or 10 frames at once.
06. Remove and Add Inbetween (Save mode):
Removes or Adds Inbetweens of all attributes shown in the Graph Editor with the possibility to add or remove
1 or 10 frames at once.
07. Remove and Add Curve Inbetween
Removes or Adds Inbetweens of selected curves only with the possibility to add or remove 1 or 10 frames at once.
08. Copy Keys:
Copies keys independantly from Maya's Copy Keys Options.
09. Cut Keys:
Cuts keys independantly from Maya's Cut Keys Options.
10. Paste Keys:
Pastes keys independantly from Maya's Paste Keys Options.
11. Select Unsnapped Keys:
Selects all keys that are not snapped to a entire frame.
12. Snap Keys:
Snaps selected unsnapped keys to the closest entire frame.
13. Select Curves:
Activates all the curves displayed in the Graph Editor.
Choose this option if you want to add keys to the selected curves.
14. Select Curves and Keys:
Activates all the curves and selects all the keys displayed in the Graph Editor.
Choose this option if you want to copy, cut or nudge replace the selected keys.
15. Select Time Range of Keys:
Selects all the keys displayed in the Graph Editor within a time range defined in the timeslider bar.
16. Isolate Object:
Imagine you having all the elements of a character rigg selected and the Graph Editor showing all their curves.
Now, you spot a curve with a strange behaviour (like a gimbal issue), but you don't know to which object it belongs.
Selecting one or several of this curve's keys and hitting the button will islolate the curve's object.
17. Compare Poses:
Allows you to define up to 3 moments in time and to compare them by flipping between them.
(Quite useful for creation of any kind of loops like walk cycles, run cycles,..)
18. Mid-Time:
Calculates the frame right in the middle between 2 defined moments.
19. Navigate:
- Step back/forward one frame
- Step back/forward one key
- Go to start/end of playback range
- Play backwards/forwards
- Move timeslider to start of key selection
Run the script:
1. Drag and drop 'KeyFriend.mel' into Maya - The 'KeyFriend' panel opens.
2. In order to be able to run the script by a shelf button from inside maya do the following:
a. paste the script into maya's script directory ("C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya....\scripts")
b. create a shelf button with the following code:
source KeyFriend.mel; KeyFriend();
And you're done!
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
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