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Mr Lighter 1.5.1 for Maya (maya script)

Mr. Lighter (Lighting Utility)

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  • 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:01/09/2008
File Size: 18.6 KB
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  • geoffhecht

    geoffhecht said over 16 years ago:

    This is a really cool tool. If you combined it with some of the functionality of Deo Lights also found on highend 3d it could be perfect. Basically the window just needs to expand horizontally to include an outliner of just all of the lights in the scene. It would be easier to have this one window, instead of going back and forth between the outliner and this tool. Just a Thought.
  • bcohen20

    bcohen20 said about 17 years ago:

    Mr. Lighter is an excellent utility for those who are relatively new to lighting. It provides a quick and easy setup for 3 point lighting giving you global control over the intensity of the entire scene. Additionally, the tool provides color presets for different lighting situations. For spot lights and point lights, you have most of the controls you need to adjust shadows, falloff, etc. Overall, Mr. Lighter is an excellent tool for those new to lighting and a quick way to setup lights for more advanced users.

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