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mr_tile_render 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

to render high resolutions with Mental Ray 4 Maya

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  • 7.x, 6.x

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  • Windows


Last Modified:10/30/2005
File Size: 8.29 KB
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1-5 of 5

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  • trabi0

    trabi0 said almost 14 years ago:

    need again a good solution to render big poster size images. Nice to see that this still works with maya 2011. I could use those region code setting in the render bat file ( -reg ) etc, but for some reason now and then it doesnt want to render into tiles, which is really annoying. This script is bugfree, because it splits the camera into several instead of messing about with the subregions of the render.bat file. so thank again :) the instruction is actually in the text file @ pinkberry. But what you need to do is copy all the files in the zip folder to your script folder of maya. Under windows its under my documents/maya/version /scripts then in maya source the script. Go to the script editor -> File > source script and select the tile_render.mel. then select your camera and type the command tile_camera_4x4; into the mel script editor if you want 16 tiles, or tile_camera_2x2 if you only need 4 etc. then in the rendersetting add all those new "tile" cameras to the renderable cameras to render them all at once.
  • pinkberry

    pinkberry said over 14 years ago:

    hey every one!! I need Help I had never use a script for rendering before and I need to render a poster and I wish somebody could explain me how to use it because I try but Its not working for in mac plsssss help me !!
  • cesboa

    cesboa said about 15 years ago:

    Great, the camera duplicate and rendering works :) Running Maya 2010 on OS X Snow Leopard.. Rendering a 4000x7000 image in no time ;)
  • jason91071

    jason91071 said over 16 years ago:

    Thank you so much!! I've had been hoping for a solution like this for some time now, I really appreciate it!
  • trabi0

    trabi0 said over 17 years ago:

    Dont know why this wicked script didnt get a high rating yet. I think its very handy. Had to render an A2 (7016pixels x 4961p )sized image with lots of details for a poster presentation. Maya couldnt handle that size, but with the help of this script it worked. So thanks for this script, saved me a lot of time and hassle :) Works fine with maya software renderer and V 8.5

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