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n-Point Align 1.6 for Maya (maya script)


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Last Modified:11/15/2004
File Size: 218 KB
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n-Point Align lets you make a selection of objects - transforms, joints or control points (vertices, cv:s etc.) - and let the first 1, 2, 3, or 4 (depending on your settings) selected objects define the new transformation of the last one(s). You also have full control over the individual axes of the alignment for all transform attributes. In addition you can choose whether to align the transform only, the shape only, or both. Plus more. Docs included, or here

updated nov 15th 2004 - (v1.6). Fixed a bug when using veretices as aligners. The script now sorts the vertices in the order you pick them, as opposed to their index. Also fixed a bug when using Align Transform Only / Shape Only with multiple shapes.

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