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Nightshade Blockout 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Nightshade Blockout is a Maya tool for quickly creating blockout/selection -maps.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/02/2017
File Size: 53.5 KB
:: ABOUT ::

Nightshade Blockout is a Maya tool for quickly creating blockout/selection/matID -maps; allowing artists to create such a map in seconds. Just select your mesh(es) in the viewport and you are three mouse clicks away from a finished blockout/selection map..

:: LATEST ::


NSB 1.1 released!


-NSB is now split up into a free version and a pro version! A license for NSB Pro is now required for professional (commercial) use.
-Updated user-interface.
-New: Advanced mode. Makes it possible to bake colors from highpoly to lowpoly geometry.
-New: Clicking a mesh in any of the lists will select that mesh in the scene.
-New: Automagic color assignment can now be done on meshes+submeshes or just on entire meshes.
-NSB now renders using geometry normals (should give cleaner results).
-Nightshade Blockout has been converted to PyMEL.


-Easy to use, no-bullshit user-interface.
-One-click automagic color assignment to meshes or meshes+submeshes.
-Proper non-overlapping shell padding (aka "Fill texture seams").
-Perfect, shadeless and artifact-free end-results.
-Works on multiple multiple meshes (e.g. exploded meshes, etc).
-No need to clone your mesh(es) or use "Transfer Maps".
-Bake colors from high poly geometry to low poly using the "advanced mode".
-Smart file paths - auto-corrects missing file extensions.
-Works great together with Nightshade Color Splitter.


The free version of Nightshade Blockout (intended for NON-COMMERCIAL use) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0).

For the legal version of that license including a human-readable format of that license, please visit Creative Commons official website.

For COMMERCIAL use of Nightshade Blockout - such as for freelance work or in a studio/production environment - you are required to purchase the pro version available on this page!
One license = One person

Link to NSB Pro (commercial version):


NOTE that Nightshade Blockout is only compatible with Autodesk Maya 2012 and later (32/64 bit - Mac and Windows). NSB has not been tested for Maya 2011 and earlier. NSB for LT is impossible due to it’s lack of Python support.

1) Copy "prefs" and "scripts" to your Maya directory on your system disc (not the same as install dir). Path to this directory:Windows: C:\Users\ %USER \Documents\maya\ %MAYA VERSION \ Mac: /users/ %USER /Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/ %VERSION /scripts - Make sure you copy everything! (Two folders: prefs and scripts)

2) Start up/Restart Maya and in there write the following in the command line or the script editor in order to load up NSB:
import NSB
Make sure that you enter the command as Python code!

3) If you want a shelf button, write the following in the script editor (under the Python tab), then select the lines with the mouse and drag the selection up to the shelf using MOUSE3 (middle mouse button):
import NSB

4) In the \prefs\icons -directory there is a shelf icon called NSB_shelf.png that you can use (Ignore the image files ending with a digit suffix. They are used by Maya's scalable UI in 2016).

:: FAQ ::

Q: Why does NSB cost money now all of a sudden?
A: Two reasons: NSB development takes up a lot of my free time and as we all know it, time equals money. The second reason is that NSB helps other making more money (by speeding up their workflow). Therefore it is only fair that I get something back for offering a tool which provides other game developers to make money/save time. NSB is still 100% free for students, amateurs and unemployed game developers working on their portfolios. Personal non-commercial projects does not require the Pro version of NSB, and never will! I've been a poor student myself so I know the importance of good, free tools.

Q: I donated money in the past when NSB was 100% free. Do I need to purchase the pro version?
A: No. If you you previously donated money to NSB while it was 100% free, you got yourself a lifetime license of NSB Pro automagically.

Q: What are the differences between NSB and NSB Pro?
A: As of now, only the license. Both versions have the same features. However, NSB Pro is required for commercial use.

Q: Does Nightshade Blockout work for my version of Maya?
A: As of now, v2.0 works for all versions from 2012 to 2016 - for both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows (tested and verified) as well as Macintosh (untested). Maya LT support is impossible because Autodesk does not think Maya LT should have Python interpreter - which is essential to proper production!

Q: Icons are missing! How do I get them back?
A: You forgot to copy the prefs -folder from the NSB zip file.

Q: NSB crashes during import, what is wrong?
A: You may have a broken Maya installation. Try running the row below and if that crashes Maya as well, you have a broken installation or a pirate copy:
import math

Q: My question isn't answered here, where can I send it?
A: See below.


You can contact me directly via Creative Crash or via my portfolio website(Google: Martin Dahlin 3D Artist).

:: MISC ::

If you like this tool then make sure to check out my other creations here on Creative Crash.

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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