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oceanPlane2Camera 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Attachs ocean plane to camera to maintain horizon

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  • 6.x

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  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/07/2005
File Size: 2.09 KB
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  • Arturo

    Arturo said over 15 years ago:

    Exactly what I needed, thanks a lot
  • David Schoneveld

    David Schoneveld said over 19 years ago:

    hey, tried to send you this via PM but you don't have that access, ... just wanted to respond. Thought it was a good idea to add the near far clip plane, and global proc fixed that in 1.1.0 I created the script not to make a camera, but to connect to the currently viewing camera. I did that because when you get a tracked camera you'd like it to attach to that camera, instead of creating a new camera or the persp cam. the scripts function was the exact function that the option that is built into maya's option for creating the ocean plane. I just wanted to make it so you could do that after one was created and no only to the perps cam. I appricitate the ideas for the far clip plane. That could be a big render time saver. Thanks for the imput. I've made the changes. Dave

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