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OutlinerPlus 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

OutlinerPlus is a replacement for the standard Maya outliner to speed up node selection and the general workflow.

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  • 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/21/2012
File Size: 9.97 KB


The dockable OutlinerPlus is meant to speed up the general workflow in Autodesk Maya by replacing the standard Maya Outliner. It can do everything the Maya Outliner can do but with OutlinerPlus you can easily display only the type of nodes you want to see. This speeds up the selection of nodes like textures, Maya materials, mentalray materials, animation curves... because you don't have to open another editor like the slow hypershade anymore to select such a node.

You can choose a predefined category of filtered nodes that OutlinerPlus should display, create your own node display category without any programming knowledge required, or you can simply enter one or more node types you would like to see in the OutlinerPlus window. You can start Outliner Plus as a standard floating window, dockable window or as an integrated panel like the standard Outliner.

Furthermore you can easily add custom functionality by adding MEL or Python functions in a preset file which will then be accessible in a popup menu in OutlinerPlus.

Minimum reqirements:  Maya 2011 / 2012 / 2013 - Windows / Mac OSX / Linux

( Developed under Windows7 )

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