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Override Color 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Simple tool to color multiple objects

Button download


  • 2011


Last Modified:09/29/2011
File Size: 2.96 KB


override, Color, mel, maya

Feature Request


Submitted by:James Thompson James Thompson
Hi, id recommend adding in a shapes function, so the script can change the shapes overrides instead, that way they objects stay the chose colour even when added to display layers :)

Comments on this feature request:

  • Martin Schmidt

    Martin Schmidt said over 7 years ago:

    Change the script as follows to make the overrides apply to shapes:

    window -t "overrideColor" DRAWINGOVERRIDES;
    gridLayout -numberOfColumns 8 -cellWidthHeight 45 25;
    button -l "None" -c "overrideColor(0)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0 0 -c "overrideColor(1)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.75 0.75 0.75 -c "overrideColor(2)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.5 0.5 0.5 -c "overrideColor(3)";
    button -l "" -bgc .8 0 0.2 -c "overrideColor(4)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0 .4 -c "overrideColor(5)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0 1 -c "overrideColor(6)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 .3 0 -c "overrideColor(7)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.2 0 0.3 -c "overrideColor(8)";
    button -l "" -bgc .8 0 .8 -c "overrideColor(9)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.6 0.3 0.2 -c "overrideColor(10)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.25 0.13 0.13 -c "overrideColor(11)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.7 .2 0 -c "overrideColor(12)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 0 0 -c "overrideColor(13)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 1 0 -c "overrideColor(14)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0.3 0.6 -c "overrideColor(15)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 1 1 -c "overrideColor(16)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 1 0 -c "overrideColor(17)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 1 1 -c "overrideColor(18)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 1 .8 -c "overrideColor(19)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 .7 .7 -c "overrideColor(20)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.9 .7 .5 -c "overrideColor(21)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 1 0.4 -c "overrideColor(22)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0.7 .4 -c "overrideColor(23)";
    button -l "" -bgc .6 .4 .2 -c "overrideColor(24)";
    button -l "" -bgc .63 .63 .17 -c "overrideColor(25)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.4 0.6 0.2 -c "overrideColor(26)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.2 0.63 0.35 -c "overrideColor(27)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.18 0.63 0.63 -c "overrideColor(28)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.18 0.4 0.63 -c "overrideColor(29)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.43 0.18 0.63 -c "overrideColor(30)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.63 0.18 0.4 -c "overrideColor(31)";
    setParent ..;
    button -l "Disable Overrides" -w 360 -c "overrideDisabled()";
    window -e -wh 362 126 DRAWINGOVERRIDES;

    global proc overrideDisabled() {

    string $selected[]=`ls -sl`;
    int $amount=`size($selected)`;
    for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
    string $shape[]=`listRelatives -s -path $selected[$n]`;
    setAttr ($shape[$n] + ".overrideEnabled") 0;

    global proc overrideColor(int $Index) {
    string $selected[]=`ls -sl`;
    int $amount=`size($selected)`;
    for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
    string $shape[]=`listRelatives -s -path $selected[$n]`;
    setAttr ($shape[$n] + ".overrideEnabled") 1;

    for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
    string $shape[]=`listRelatives -s -path $selected[$n]`;
    setAttr ($shape[$n] + ".overrideColor") $Index;

  • Martin Schmidt

    Martin Schmidt said over 7 years ago:

    Sorry, there is a small error in the above changes to the script. So please use the version below:


    window -t "overrideColor" DRAWINGOVERRIDES;
    gridLayout -numberOfColumns 8 -cellWidthHeight 45 25;
    button -l "None" -c "overrideColor(0)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0 0 -c "overrideColor(1)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.75 0.75 0.75 -c "overrideColor(2)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.5 0.5 0.5 -c "overrideColor(3)";
    button -l "" -bgc .8 0 0.2 -c "overrideColor(4)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0 .4 -c "overrideColor(5)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0 1 -c "overrideColor(6)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 .3 0 -c "overrideColor(7)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.2 0 0.3 -c "overrideColor(8)";
    button -l "" -bgc .8 0 .8 -c "overrideColor(9)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.6 0.3 0.2 -c "overrideColor(10)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.25 0.13 0.13 -c "overrideColor(11)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.7 .2 0 -c "overrideColor(12)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 0 0 -c "overrideColor(13)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 1 0 -c "overrideColor(14)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0.3 0.6 -c "overrideColor(15)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 1 1 -c "overrideColor(16)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 1 0 -c "overrideColor(17)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 1 1 -c "overrideColor(18)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 1 .8 -c "overrideColor(19)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 .7 .7 -c "overrideColor(20)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.9 .7 .5 -c "overrideColor(21)";
    button -l "" -bgc 1 1 0.4 -c "overrideColor(22)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0 0.7 .4 -c "overrideColor(23)";
    button -l "" -bgc .6 .4 .2 -c "overrideColor(24)";
    button -l "" -bgc .63 .63 .17 -c "overrideColor(25)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.4 0.6 0.2 -c "overrideColor(26)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.2 0.63 0.35 -c "overrideColor(27)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.18 0.63 0.63 -c "overrideColor(28)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.18 0.4 0.63 -c "overrideColor(29)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.43 0.18 0.63 -c "overrideColor(30)";
    button -l "" -bgc 0.63 0.18 0.4 -c "overrideColor(31)";
    setParent ..;
    button -l "Disable Overrides" -w 360 -c "overrideDisabled()";
    window -e -wh 362 126 DRAWINGOVERRIDES;

    global proc overrideDisabled() {

    string $selected[]=`ls -sl`;
    int $amount=`size($selected)`;
    for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
    string $shape[]=`listRelatives -s -path $selected[$n]`;
    setAttr ($shape[0] + ".overrideEnabled") 0;

    global proc overrideColor(int $Index) {
    string $selected[]=`ls -sl`;
    int $amount=`size($selected)`;
    for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
    string $shape[]=`listRelatives -s -path $selected[$n]`;
    setAttr ($shape[0] + ".overrideEnabled") 1;

    for ($n=0; $n<$amount; $n++) {
    string $shape[]=`listRelatives -s -path $selected[$n]`;
    setAttr ($shape[0] + ".overrideColor") $Index;

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