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poseLib 6.2.3 for Maya (maya script)

A script to record poses for your characters.

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/26/2012
File Size: 33.1 KB




Problem with the script in 2016

Submitted by: Woody Smith Woody Smith

I love the script and find it very useful. However, I am having some issues with the script in Maya 2016 SP5.  Is doesn't seem to want to make a new pose or display it in the preview pane.  I can select the controls and create a pose, the script editor displays that a new pose was created successfully, but the pose counter reads 0 and no pose icons are displayed.  Any help that you can give would be appreciated.


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    Woody Smith

    Woody Smith said almost 9 years ago:

    So digging into this a little more deeply, it seems to be working fine on most files. I have used it on a range of characters now. What seems to be messing it up was related to a namespace. I am using a referenced character and, for whatever reason, the file that I was working with when I logged the bug, was having issues. When I remove the namespace, it worked perfectly.

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