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Projection Maker 1.9.5 for Maya (maya script)

A tool that projects an image plane onto an object

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  • 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/01/2010
File Size: 15.7 KB


maya, projection, uvs

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    MR HOLLYWOOD said over 14 years ago:

    Haven't had time to check to see if Johns' suggestion was added. I just downloaded it as of today Sept. 22/10. global proc renderParamsSet() { // determine Device aspect ratio float $renderWidth = `intField -q -v rWidthField`; float $renderHeight = `intField -q -v rHeightField`; float $devicePixelRatio = ($renderWidth/$renderHeight); // set render attributes setAttr defaultResolution.width `intField -q -v rWidthField`; setAttr defaultResolution.height `intField -q -v rHeightField`; setAttr defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio $devicePixelRatio; setAttr defaultResolution.pixelAspect 1; // display the resolution gate showResolutionGate; } Thanks for the share John Mather. This was a very coooooooool idea. Does save time jumping back a forth with Photoshop. CHEERS MR HOLLYWOOD
  • shcmack

    shcmack said almost 15 years ago:

    Great job! Thankyou very much :)
  • toc.toc

    toc.toc said about 15 years ago:

    Congrats on this usefull script, I was always wondering why the Maya Developers never did develop this themself. Always thought this would be cool to have. Glad, you did it! Great!
  • Mr. Zombie

    Mr. Zombie said about 16 years ago:

    Hello from Moscow, John. Can I suggest you to write this in renderParamsSet(): global proc renderParamsSet() { // determine Device aspect ratio float $renderWidth = `intField -q -v rWidthField`; float $renderHeight = `intField -q -v rHeightField`; float $devicePixelRatio = ($renderWidth/$renderHeight); // set render attributes setAttr defaultResolution.width `intField -q -v rWidthField`; setAttr defaultResolution.height `intField -q -v rHeightField`; setAttr defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio $devicePixelRatio; setAttr defaultResolution.pixelAspect 1; // display the resolution gate showResolutionGate; } So that user don't have to go to render globals and check Device aspect ratio and Pixel aspect ratio. Thanks for awesome script!
  • BigSky

    BigSky said over 17 years ago:

    Great and potentially very useful tool! Keep going!
  • katisss

    katisss said over 17 years ago:

    very cool. Only a minor suggestion: Did you notice scaling of the object is not taken into account? So the camera was created inside the scaled object at first try.

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