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proximityAnim.mel 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Trigger any attribute on objects when they are within a specified proximity of a locator.

Button download


  • 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/12/2010
File Size: 14.8 KB

Feature Request

Multiple control objects

Submitted by:Tristan Maduro Tristan Maduro
Great Idea! Thanks... My creative director is using C4d mograph effectors and I'm trying to accomplish the same thing..Killing myself with hundreds of set driven keys. Seems like I can only run the script on an object once... I try to run the script on the object again and the rig fails... Also seem to be trouble with grouping an object > running script on group...then running script again on object...seems to break the rig... Looks like its a naming issue... Is there an option where we can layer multiple control objects or nest controlled objects in other transforms which are also controlled by a different animation preset and contol object?? Thaks again:)

Comments on this feature request:

  • giorgio adolfo

    giorgio adolfo said over 12 years ago:

    Having the same problem here. Even after baking the animation. If you try to run the script with different selected objects, it fails.

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