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quick sculpt 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

quick sculpting interface for maya

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/18/2006
File Size: 10.6 KB

This is a stream lined tool box interface for artisan paint sculpt tool,
this interface makes some of the most used sculpting actions
as buttons like push and pull. So you don't have to jump that huge
tool box when sculpting very often.

This interface is link to artisan options, I suggest setup other artiasn
options like tablet pressure, drawing cursor types etc. then use this.

// 1. copy icon files to your mayax.x/prefs/icons folder
// 2. copy quickSculpt.mel to you mayax.x/scripts/ folder
// 3. start maya, source file "quickSculpt.mel" and run it by typing "quickSculpt";

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  • Liu Mengshi
    Liu Mengshi
  • Paul Jones
    Paul Jones