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Rename Tool 2.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

3ds Max's rename tool for Maya

Button download


  • 2022, 2021

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/12/2021
File Size: 9.57 KB


Can't load script.

Submitted byFomen Fomen
I coped files into proper folder and run the command you wrote, but I can't load the script. I have an error:
import RenameTool
reObject = RenameTool.Rename()
# Error: SyntaxError: file <maya console> line 1: invalid syntax #

Why does this happen?
Thank you.

Comments on this bug:

  • Mohammad Farjamfard

    Mohammad Farjamfard said almost 12 years ago:

    Please copy and paste all of the code (the version which you have edited and is ready) inside a python script tab in Maya's script editor window and then execute the entire script by pressing Ctrl + A and then 'Execute' button on the script editor's toolbar which is like a play button.... Open a new python tab and enter "Rename()' without the quotation marks and execute..... Now you should see Rename Tool's main window! If you still can't see the window then there's something wrong with your copy of script file, for example maybe you manipulated it inadvertently or what ever, for now I can't see what is the cause of your problem exactly but maybe we can figure it out..... Also you shouldn't have renamed your downloaded script file because it can cause an error.... If you have made a new shelf button then check and ensure that you've switched its command type to python in command window... Hope this helps.
  • Fomen

    Fomen said almost 12 years ago:

    It works now. I did a mistake in UI path. I leaved ''path'' instead of 'path'. Thank you. P.S. Where can I change the count of zeroes in numbered names? Now it seems to be always two zeroes. I mean: name_001, name_002, name_003 etc.
  • Darren Rea

    Darren Rea said over 10 years ago:

    The only way i can load the script without errors in using your instructions above.... "copy and paste all of the code (the version which you have edited and is ready) inside a python script tab in Maya's script editor window and then execute the entire script by pressing Ctrl + A and then 'Execute' button on the script editor's toolbar which is like a play button.... Open a new python tab and enter "Rename()' without the quotation marks and execute..... Now you should see Rename Tool's main window! " BUT, when I use the tool there are errors- # Error: global name 'reObject' is not defined # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "", line 1, in # NameError: global name 'reObject' is not defined # This tool is by far the best renaming tool with the most potential. Thank you for creating it. I hope you can sort out the errors soon.
  • thibault colonges

    thibault colonges said about 8 years ago:

    # Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 1: name 'Rename' is not defined #
  • Christian Mayorca

    Christian Mayorca said about 4 years ago:

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    Updateessay said about 4 years ago:

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