:This script is model center/pivot move to snap to vertex point.
How to use
1:Select vertex point
2:Push the button
:This script is parents model/locator/group move to snap to parents child center.
How to use
1:Select child
2:Push the button
:This script is child thing invert parent thing.
How to use
1:Select child
2:Push the button
:This script is parents move to snap to child center.
How to use
1:Select child
2:Push the button
:This script is group moves to selected center when you select things to run.
How to use
1:Select things
2:Push the button
:This script is freeze transform,rotation and scall.
How to use
1:Select things
2:Push the button
v1.0.0 - Release.
v1.1.0 - Add two commands.
v2.0.0 - Renewal
Copy python to \Documents\maya\2012(or 2011 or ....)-x64(or x32)\scripts
import SC_MoveCenter
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