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Set Array Attribute 3.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Script for changing arbitrary attributes of selected objects, position of vertices, CVs, and time/value of keyframes.

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  • 2022

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/12/2023
File Size: 28 KB



A linear interpolator for changing arbitrary attributes of selected objects, position of vertices, CVs, and time/value of keyframes. A general and usefull tool to manipulate many objects attributes live, using linear, randomized, or logarithmic exponents.


I usually put the python script in the Maya script folder: "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\maya\scripts", and then call it inside Maya with hotkey:

import arrayattribute as itplt


How to use:

  1. select the objects, nodes, CVs. or keyframes in graph edditor
  2. select the attributes in the channel box (or type the attribute name in the "attribute(s)" field of the script window, if it is open)
  3. open the script (it will automatically capture the attrivutes name from the channel box), or if it is already open, click on "recapture"
  4. drag the sliders

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