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Shading network renamer 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

This script will rename your entire shading network with a prefix of your choice for Utility nodes, texture node, shaders and shading groups

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  • 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/07/2017
File Size: 3.92 KB
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  • mcqueenjosh

    mcqueenjosh said 3 months ago:

    It’s interesting to see how tools like this enhance workflows in 3D modeling. Similarly, in the of mobile app development, Flutter development services provide developers with powerful tools to streamline app creation and enhance user experience. Just as your script allows for customization in Maya, Flutter enables developers to create tailored UIs, making the development process more efficient.


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  • erick wilson

    erick wilson said over 2 years ago:

    Shading Networks is a fundamental part of Simplygon's material pipeline and is used to describe materials in a flexible node-based manner. Most shading nodes supported by the Simplygon API are supported by the plug-in and the input for the nodes matches the ones in the API. gaming pc
    Shading Networks are generated automatically when sending an asset using standard materials, for DirectX shaders a Shading Network template is required for Simplygon to understand how to map certain parameters to shading nodes, for example material name, mapping channel/UV-set and textures. This documentation will focus on DirectX shaders and how to map them to and from Simplygon.
  • erick wilson

    erick wilson said almost 3 years ago:


    The Autodesk Maya script that can be build shader with texture and connections more faster and convenient.

    Version 1.0.03 release

    #How to use

    Copy the scripts and prefs folder into Maya script path, graphic cards price in Pakistan

    Default path should be C:%USERNAME%\document\maya%MAYA_VERSION% (Windows)

    Open Maya application, enter below commands into python command window :

    import shaderSpace


    If success, Will open the script UI.

    #Maya Support

    Maya 2014, 2015, 2016, 2016.5

    #OS Support


  • yangkuki

    yangkuki said over 3 years ago:

    I'm looking forward to this

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