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svm_alignBaker 0.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Aligner / Baker tool with 2 modes

Button download


  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Operating Systems

  • Linux
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  • Windows


Last Modified:03/26/2019
File Size: 7.09 KB
Hello everybody,

This little tool can align a locator on an object in the active timerange. Then you can bake the animation that is now stored on the locator back onto the original object. I use this a lot when I decide to switch parent or orient space constraint settings on rigs.
This is the first mode called Bake svmALIGNERloc as displayed in the 3 step process.
There is also a second mode: Bake Selected Objects; (Step 1 & 2 are ignored here.)
This mode will simply bake the translation and/or rotation animation from the first selected object to the second selected object in the active timerange. 

There is a help window inside the tool going over the different options. 

Paste the MEL files in your Maya scripts forlder: C:\Users\?User?\Documents\maya\?version?\scripts
and run this MEL line inside Maya: 
(you can make a shelf button for that)
Or put the files in any location and source them with a button, but don't forget the command: svm_alignBaker_UI();
To remove the tool out of your maya, simply delete the files.

Stijn Vande Maele, 
3D Character Animator
If you like the tool and want to buy me a beer :)

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