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Toggle UV Editor 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

A python script that opens the UV editor when a mesh is selected

Button download


  • 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/24/2022
File Size: 675 KB
Main description:
This tool is used to display the UV editor automatically whenever a polygonal mesh is selected.
Auto UV Tool in use.
Disabling Tool in use.
  • Select a polygonal mesh on the Maya viewport
  • Run the script in the script editor
  • Re-select a polygonal mesh and the UV editor will automatically display
  • Look at the Disabling tool headline to deactivate the tool
  • To make the tool more versatile, the user can optionally create a hotkey to execute the script and use the tool without needing to press it on the script editor.
Disabling tool:
  • The tool can be disabled by running a separate script which will allow normal mesh selection without the UV editor shown.

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