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V-Ray Tuner for Maya 4.5.2 for Maya (maya script)

An interface to a bunch of V-Ray for Maya controls and useful embedded scripts.

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

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Last Modified:05/14/2020
File Size: 53.1 KB


rendering, maya

Feature Request

Vray tuner 4 features?

Submitted by:brandelan brandelan
Is there any chance of getting some of the non-vray 3.0-specific-features implemented in the vray 2.4 compatible version of your tuner? Things like the tuner preset feature?

Comments on this feature request:

  • Dave Girard

    Dave Girard said over 10 years ago:

    I am too busy to support both but if you only want the tuner presets added to the 2.4 version, I can do that and post it for the final update to this version
  • brandelan

    brandelan said over 10 years ago:

    Completely understandable. Tuner presets would be a nice final add. :)
  • Dave Girard

    Dave Girard said over 10 years ago:

    done - I just updated it. Enjoy
  • brandelan

    brandelan said over 10 years ago:

    // Warning: file: H:/(omitted computer name)/Documents/maya/2015-x64/scripts/polypixelspaint/vraytuner.mel line 417: fopen: unable to open file "/_Projects/3D/Caramel/07_3D/02_workingAssets/scripts;H/decent_settings.txt" for mode "w". // So, I get this issue when I try to save the preset. There a typo in the mel maybe or am I just doing something totally wrong? I set my settings up, then press the "store set" button, and that's when the error pops up. Ideas? Thanks!
  • Dave Girard

    Dave Girard said over 10 years ago:

    I didn't test it on Windows. I'll give it a look
  • Dave Girard

    Dave Girard said over 10 years ago:

    it looks like you don't have write access to the scripts path. My friend on Windows is using this feature fine. I might have to look into using a better path for this but there are a limited set of options.
  • brandelan

    brandelan said over 10 years ago:

    Hmmm... I definitely have write access. For reference, I'm getting this error on both Maya 2013, and Maya 2015. I'm also getting it with the new Vray Tuner 4 Beta. I'm looking at your code, and noticing that it uses the 'getenv "MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH"` to find the my script directory. I'm using a Maya.env file to add additional script directories. When I run your utility, and I have my "Project Window" script directory set to a default project folder named "scripts", your preset saver tries to access the first directory in my MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH Maya.env file. Resulting in this error: // Warning: file: H:/xxxxx/Documents/maya/2015-x64/scripts/polypixelspaint/vraytuner.mel line 417: fopen: unable to open file "/xxxxx/Documents/maya/2015-x64/scripts/cometScripts;H/decent_settings.txt" for mode "w". If I remove my maya.env file (effectively resetting my script directories to default), and run the utility, I get this error: // Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/vraytuner.mel line 417: fopen: unable to open file "/xxxx/Documents/maya/2015-x64/scripts;H/decent_settings.txt" for mode "w". It seems like some kind of syntax is getting screwed up somewhere to me. I'm not sure why your friend's is working and why mine is not... The "H" popping up in the middle of the directory for both errors seems like it's coming from my drive letter that my scripts folder is stored on. At the end of the day, it might just be something on my end. If none of this is helpful in sorting it out, and in the end, I'm the only one with this problem, then I'll live without this feature. Thanks for the help and the great tool!
  • Dave Girard

    Dave Girard said over 10 years ago:

    ok - I found the problem. I'm writing the presets to a different folder that doesn't depend on tokenizing those script paths now so it should fix the issues.
  • brandelan

    brandelan said over 10 years ago:

    New version works. Thanks. Out of curiosity, where are the presets saved now? EDIT: NM, see that they're in the maya folder in my documents.
  • Dave Girard

    Dave Girard said over 10 years ago:

    It goes into your user's "maya" folder

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