1. cross plane proxy option added (like vue).
2. fixed wrong proxy pivot assign reported by some.
update.. new version 0.3.1
1. fixed layout bug on 2010
2. fixed setPath button bug
3. on maya before 2011, setpath need file selection to return folder(sorry)
update.. new version 0.3.0
1. new placeholder geo options (box, sphere, cylinder)
2. new choose folder method (choose folder one time only)
update.. new version 0.2.0....
1. no more pymel dependency..
2. gui for reduce percent option
3. progress bar windows
*. copy the file content to your maya script editor.. on maya script editor select all code and drag to your shelfbar for quick access button.
hi... I created this script for automatic generation of mentalray proxy objects.. ala vray_for_maya createproxy command.
all is automatically done..
create your polymesh HiRes object, apply materials, combine all parts, select your HiRes poly transform nodes and execute the script
comments please.
Goiania - Goias - Brazil
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