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X-Tools 3.5.0 for Maya (maya script)

A ToolBox with even more tools, a cleaner inteface

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/22/2007
File Size: 573 KB
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  • andrewosiow

    andrewosiow said almost 18 years ago:

    At this time I am unable to respond to personal messages through HighEnd3D, so I am posting user comments. Stay tuned for X-Tools 3.5.1. It should be available in about a week from this posting. It will be compatible with Linux and fix some bugs in the Mac version. These bug were all related to slight differences in the way that different platforms display the interface. The installer has also been revised to handle different platforms. I have been unable to replicate the bugs reported by jand. In the first case, I can only generate an error message while toggling Wire-Frame-on-Shaded in the rare case when the active window is not a camera view, (an Outliner for example), but this did not result in a crash. In the second case, X-tools simply performs the Mel command toggleBorderEdges and this has not changed since before version 2. I will try to set up a forum with the next release. Until then you can send, comments to the email address listed in the X-Tools About section. Just Select (About) from the X-Tools Help Menu. Enjoy!
  • Jand

    Jand said almost 18 years ago:

    Thank you for your contribution to the maya community. Basically a very good addition to the day to day modeling work flow. Even better if you've never truly customized maya yourself. A suggestion would be a printable help document included so that the user can get everything upfront since its so much. Also a printable shortcut document would increase adaption of the toolbox initially. PM didn't work so heres a bug report: Fatal error crash if if you have a cube, cone, prism object selected and doubleclick Toggle Object display. Fatal error crash if if you have a basic cube selected and doubleclick Toggle View display and then clicks Toggle border edges Currently doubleclicking on Edge Ring Split doesn't open the edge toolbox This was on a xp sp2 maya 8.5 machine.
  • Iosif Kefalas

    Iosif Kefalas said almost 18 years ago:

    Excelent man Just the perfect tool to work with full screen mode. And the new select faces mode and sculpting tools are great. Thanks, I already use it a lot.

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