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RageCGI_actionsPac 1.1.0 for Photoshop

action that takes your layered file and makes RGBA

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Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/09/2002
File Size: 1.94 KB
This action was made for Ian Wilmoth and the rest of us in the Highend community.
It simply takes your layered Photoshop 7 .psd file, with corresponding alpha channels, and makes a new RGBA file, complete with it's alpha, out of ANY selected RGB layer.

You can save as: Targa, Maya iff, tiff, bmp, PSpdf, pict, pct, or pxr (pixar)

UPDATE: Thanks to an update from Bryan Pritchard - Targas work!
Just write-over your PS7 targa reader with the one from PS6, and targas will work now!

NOT been tested on Mac PS7, but it "should" work:)

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