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alphaEdge and AlphaEdgeErode+noise 1.6.0 for Shake


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  • 3.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac


Last Modified:03/12/2007
File Size: 26.1 KB

Version History

v1.6 added noise tools to both inner and outer edges. Uses randomize to add 'grain' to the edge. This can be softened either with the post blur or better (and slower) by using the 'oversampling'. Because these would break previous scripts I have broken these out into 2 new nodes. All 4 versions are included.

v1.5 added a clamp parameter for float. Defaults to on (clamp) and only affects alpha channel.
Uses clamps in 2 places so will affect the edge when clamp is on and outerEdgeGain used (will now appear the same as in 8bit and 16bit). To keep compatability in old float based scripts turn clamp off and apply just a clamp post the node if necessary.

v1.4 as per the request I have added an inside/outside option to both macros. This may have an effect on older scripts but setting it to the correct mode might cure this. No promises.

v1.3 I have added matte, RGBA, RGBA premult output choices.
Also I have altered the behaviour of the post blur and post gain functions. They are now post the erode/grow, whereas before they were still pre it. so beware although backwardly compatible there will be different results if these sliders were used - unless they were left on default

v1.2 I have modified the Alpha Edge macro so that it also doubles up as a grow/erode node. It has different results to keyChew and could cover areas where that may not help.

Because it has 3 modes (edge, grow and erode) some sliders become irrelevent. ie in Grow mode the innerBlur has little effect, and the outer blur has little effect in erode mode.

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