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Eclipse Auto Completion for Maya Commands
Eclipse Auto Completion for Maya Commands
manish, updated 2013-03-29 04:55:22 UTC 13,335 views  Rating:
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I'm not sure weather this has been already mentioned in this post, perhaps there are really couple of simple steps which will accomplish the auto-complition for the maya.cmds and its modules/command whithout need of adding commands manully in Forced Builtin from Eclipse preferences.From Maya 2011 Maya ships with .pypref files which are located in /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/devkit/other/pymel/extras/completion (this is linux path). Now all you have to do is open Eclipse Preferences, navigate to PyDev >> Interpreter - Python >> Predefined tab, click on New button and add the pypref folder path to it, and hit apply.

Thats it ! You are done !!