I was always pissed when I had to adjust draw size or focal shift with a slider, and wanted to have a tool which would prevent from getting out of the sculpting workflow too much, just like like in Photoshop with alt or Maya/Mudbox holding B key. The adjust plugin did not do it for me, so I started to write my own, and there it is.
So : You assign a hotkey to the big button, while sculpting you hold that hotkey and adjust a chosen parameter with X axis and another one with Y.
While doing this, you have instant visual feedback of brush size and focal shift, as well as numerical looking at the sliders updating in real time. You can also adjust Z Intensity and RGB Intensity if you want, and you have two separate parts in the plugin ( "SizeAjustor A" and "SizeAjustor B" ) which do exactly the same thing so you can have up to two hotkeys adjusting different parameters.
The current version is v0.92, I would like it to be tested some more before making it a 1.0. Yet, it already works very well and is totally usable. It has been improved since the first release and you can except some more features to come.
Voilà ! Hope you will like it, use it and find it useful. I would like a lot of feedback ( I hope less problem reports and more bugless thanks ), so don't hesitate. Also pardon me for my English and if you see any mistake let me know. Happy sculpting !!!
Official zBrushCentral thread, for more informations.
>>> Installation :
Just extract the whole archive in zBrush plugins folder, depending of your OS :
For PC : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R?\ZStartup\ZPlugs"
For Mac : "/Applications/ZBrushOSX 4R?/ZStartup/ZPlugs"
( Replace "ZBrush...?" with your own zBrush install folder )
Hope you will like it and that you'll find it useful :)
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