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Bi-Plane 1.0.0 for Maya

Toby is a very flexible bi plane rig inspired from the pirates from the animated series Tales Spin.

Button download


  • 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/24/2017
File Size: 43.9 MB


Rig, maya, animation

Toby is a bi-plane rig with a personality. The character is inspired by the pirate planes from one of my favorite childhood cartoons, Tales Spin. I wanted to reach a similar level of flexibility as the cartoon itself.
Rig Features:
  • Flexible body bending along with squash and stretch
  • Automated wheel spins along with pressure control
  • Automated settings for rotating the engine turbine
  • bendable turbine fins
  • Automated settings for engine rattle and body rattle 
  • Rudder controls for both wings and back fins.
  • bendy limbs and body for really flexible animation.
Note: Copy all the files from texture folder to your Maya project source images folder before opening the rig file.
Please note that I have made the rig available as a way to see some good animation from an old rig from my archive. I would love to see the rig in action and would highly appreciate if you can share your animation tests/renders with me. You can shhot me an e-mail directly at
If I use the animation on my website, I would be more than happy to credit your work.
Happy animating :)

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