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Tuna 5.5.2 for Maya

A character rig rigged with AdvancedSkeleton

Button download


  • 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/06/2018
File Size: 1.07 MB
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  • noor

    noor said over 6 years ago:

    Thanks a lot!!! 
  • sreach

    sreach said about 7 years ago:

    Great rigged character you have here.  I've enjoyed using him.  He has a very simple control rig to use but it animates and deforms nicely.
    My only critique would be to add an upper and lower eyelids open and close control in the GUI instead of needing to manipulate the facial "orbs" every time I want him to blink.  Here is a link to a short scene I used him in.
    I've discovered some things I need to tweak and work on after I rendered the scene, so it's not the final product, but it gives you a real good idea of what I did with him.

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