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Diamond Plate Metal 1.0.0 for Maya

Diamond plate metal texture with multiple maps

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Rating: 3.5


  • 2009, 2008, 8.x


Last Modified:12/28/2008
File Size: 9.73 MB
metal textured to look like diamond plate. current bitmaps are not 1:1 aspect yet, but are still tileable.

maps are for diffuse, reflection, and displacement.

attached file contains .ma files for maya versions 8.5+ and all textures/maps use only MR nodes (which is a pain in the arse to do sometimes) so it's optimized for command line, standalone or network MR rendering.

This is built onto the mia_material shader, so if you want to use this texture with maya software or the like you'll need to re-structure and re-assign the nodes yourself ;) but that shouldn't be a problem since all the maps are there and are .tif and .tga (not .map files)

enjoy. yay!

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  • princepck