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Frosty ice shader for mental ray maya 1.0.0 for Maya

Frosty ice shader for mental ray maya

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  • 2009, 2008


Last Modified:07/28/2009
File Size: 4.84 KB



Frosty Ice Shader version 1.0, for Mentalray Maya 2009.

For best results, use a High Dynamic Range image as an environment texture.
You can find great HDRI-maps at Paul Debevec's website


The shader is 100% procedural which means that it uses only 3d-textures and that
there is no need to consider UV-mapping.


The shader is mia_material_x, it is backwards compatible with maya 2008
(mental ray 3.6). To open the file in maya 2008 check "Ignore Version" in options
when you open the file.


Tweak parameters on the "ice_cloud"-texture for variations in the surface.
Lower the transparency (~0.15) to get an even more cold and snowy surface.
You can of course also plug the texture into the displacement channel for
added mesh detail.


Highend3D-release 2009-07-24

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