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prSlideNode 0.1.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

vertices sliding over surface

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

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  • Windows


Last Modified:08/07/2012
File Size: 4.57 KB




need helps for usage.

Submitted by: sil_musashi sil_musashi
I don't know what I did wrong so please give me some pointers

-Load the script.
-Select the mesh and execute deformer -type "prSlideNode" in SE.
-Select a vertex for the vertex number.
-Select the locator and type the number to the position.
-The locator located to that vertex but all translation attributes are hooked to something I don't know. 

Did I miss any steps here?

Thank you. 

Replies to this question:

  • parzival roethlein

    parzival roethlein said over 12 years ago:

    Hi, you are using the script correctly. The slide node locator has two components: 1. Transform "loc_slideNode", is constrained to the surface 2. Shape "loc_slideNodeShape" used for the sliding deformation To use the translation tool in maya for interactive sliding you have to create another transform (probably locator, so you can see it in the viewport), parent it under the "loc_slideNode" and connect its translation into the "loc_slideNodeShape" translation. Then hide the original "loc_slideNode", so you only can see your interactive slide transform. This is probably a bit confusing. In the plugin file is an example script that does the same thing: "prTestSlide()" Regards, Parzival

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