*edit* I checked maya 2014 for version but I am guessing this will work on any version.
put the .mel file in your scripts folder and then paste this in the mel command line:
source AOcolors.mel;
this script is for quickly creating and asigning temp or playblast shaders to objects. This is a great tool for quickly saving selections. You can use colors as a selection group while modeling and then select them with the select tab...that’s what I do.
choose the creation tab or the selection tab
1: in creation mode select objects or faces.
2: press any of the colors to create a new lambert and assign it to selected.
(the new lambert will be named "PB_"color of button"_shader") {PB is Play Blast}
If the shader already exists it will not create a new one, but it will assign the original one
to selected. That’s good because it will not create two shaders with the same color.
in selection mode:
press any color to select objects or faces that have been assigned to that color.
the last row has r,g,b buttons which create and assign a lambert with absolute red, green or blue and it turns ambient Color to 100% and diffuse to 0. this can be used as an rgb mask for composting. The checker button is meant to assign a checker shader for UV mapping and it works in our studio but will not work for you because you don’t have the checker shader and even if you did the path is not right. feel free to play with it and get it to work for you. I hope to update it as soon as I have time....sorry.
thanks. I hope this helps
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